Restic Role ========= Role Variables -------------- | Variable | Required | Default | Choices | Comments | | ------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | restic_self_update | yes | false | true, false | If true, restic will do self-update even if it's not being installed in current run | | restic_keep_last | yes | 7 | any integer | Restic will not delete the n last snapshots | | restic_cron_params | yes | name: restic_backup
weekday: "*"
minute: "0"
hour: "0"
user: root
| valid cron data | Params for restic backup cronjob | | restic_password | yes | | any string | restic password | Example Playbook ---------------- Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too: ``` --- - name: Setup restic backups vars: restic_keep_last: 7 restic_backup_dirs: - /path/to/dir - /another/path/to/dir restic_cron_params: name: restic_backup weekday: "*" minute: "30" hour: "*" user: root hosts: all roles: - role: "." ```