# -------------------------------------- # -- Create kubernetes user # -------------------------------------- # -- 1. Install packages # -- 2. Generate certificate # -- 3. Add user to kubernetes # -- 4. Remove certificates (Optional) # -------------------------------------- --- - name: Prepare working directory block: - name: Set workdir as fact set_fact: working_dir: "{{ working_dir | ansible_env.HOME }}/.certs/{{ username }}" - name: Create a directory if it does not exist ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ working_dir }}" state: directory mode: "0775" - name: Ensure required packages are installed tags: packages block: # ------------------------- # -- Prepare kubectl repo # ------------------------- - name: Add an apt signing key for Kubernetes become: yes apt_key: url: https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg state: present - name: Adding apt repository for Kubernetes become: yes apt_repository: repo: deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main state: present filename: kubernetes.list # -------------------------------------- # -- Install yq # -------------------------------------- - name: Ensure yq is installed become: yes get_url: url: "https://github.com/mikefarah/yq/releases/download/{{ yq.version }}/{{ yq.binary }}" dest: /usr/bin/yq mode: "0777" - name: Ensure kubectl and openssl are installed become: yes package: name: "{{ packages }}" state: present vars: packages: - kubectl - openssl - name: Generate openssl certificate tags: openssl block: - name: Generate an OpenSSL private key community.crypto.openssl_privatekey: path: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.key" size: 2048 - name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request community.crypto.openssl_csr: path: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.csr" privatekey_path: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.key" common_name: "{{ username }}" - name: Generate an OpenSSL certificate signed with your own CA certificate become: yes community.crypto.x509_certificate: path: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.crt" csr_path: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.csr" ownca_path: "{{ k8s_cert_path }}/{{ k8s_cert_crt_file }}" ownca_privatekey_path: "{{ k8s_cert_path }}/{{ k8s_cert_key_file }}" provider: ownca entrust_not_after: "+{{ certificate_expires_in }}d" - name: Add user to cluster block: # -------------------------------------- # -- Get k8s server from admin.conf # -------------------------------------- - name: Get k8s server shell: yq e '.clusters[0] | select(.name == "{{ cluster }}").cluster.server' "{{ k8s_config_path }}" register: kubernetes_server_output # -------------------------------------- # -- Get k8s certificate authority data # -- from admin-conf # -------------------------------------- - name: Get k8s certificate authority data shell: yq e '.clusters[0] | select(.name == "{{ cluster }}").cluster.certificate-authority-data' "{{ k8s_config_path }}" register: kubernetes_cad_output - name: Get user cert data shell: cat "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.crt" | base64 -w 0 register: user_cert_data_output - name: Get user key data shell: cat "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.key" | base64 -w 0 register: user_key_data_output - name: Set variables for template set_fact: kubernetes_server: "{{ kubernetes_server_output.stdout }}" kubernetes_cad: "{{ kubernetes_cad_output.stdout }}" user_cert_data: " {{ user_cert_data_output.stdout }}" user_key_data: " {{ user_key_data_output.stdout }}" - name: Create k8s user ansible.builtin.shell: | kubectl config set-credentials "{{ username }}"\ --client-certificate="{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.crt" \ --client-key="{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.key" notify: remove certificates - name: Set user context ansible.builtin.shell: | kubectl config set-context "{{ username }}@{{ cluster }}" \ --cluster={{ cluster }} --user="{{ username }}" - name: Create config file from template template: src: config.j2 dest: "{{ working_dir }}/config" - name: Storing config on the local machine ansible.builtin.fetch: src: "{{ working_dir }}/config" dest: ./ flat: yes tags: config - name: Bind user to role block: - name: Generate role binding yaml template: src: role-binding.j2 dest: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.yaml" - name: Apply role binding manifest environment: KUBECONFIG: "{{ k8s_config_path }}" shell: kubectl apply -f "{{ working_dir }}/{{ username }}.yaml" tags: add_user