mod connectors; mod output; mod types; use clap::{arg, command, Parser, Subcommand, ValueEnum}; use connectors::{Argo, Connector, Helm, Helmfile}; use log::{debug, error, info, warn}; use output::Output; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::from_str; use std::{ borrow::Borrow, io::Result, process::{exit, Command}, }; use types::ExecResult; use version_compare::{Cmp, Version}; use crate::types::{HelmChart, Status}; #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, ValueEnum)] enum Kinds { Argo, //Helm, Helmfile, } #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, ValueEnum)] enum Outputs { Yaml, HTML, } /// Check you helm releaseas managed by Argo #[derive(Parser)] #[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { /// How do you install your helm charts #[clap(long, value_enum)] kind: Kinds, /// What kind of output would you like to receive? #[clap(long, value_enum, default_value = "yaml")] output: Outputs, /// Path to the helmfile #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value = "./")] path: String, /// Pass an environment to the helmfile #[arg(long, required = false, default_value = "default")] helmfile_environment: String, /// Should execution be failed if you have outdated charts #[clap(short, long, action, default_value_t = false, env = "OUTDATED_FAIL")] outdated_fail: bool, /// Set to true if you don't want to sync repositories #[clap(short, long, action, default_value_t = false)] no_sync: bool, /// Set to true if you don't wante to see up-to-date charts in the output #[clap(long, action, default_value_t = true)] no_uptodate: bool } #[derive(Debug, Subcommand)] enum Commands { #[command(arg_required_else_help = true)] Generate { #[arg(value_name = "SHELL", default_missing_value = "zsh")] shell: clap_complete::shells::Shell, }, } /// A struct to write helm repo description to #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct Repo { name: Option, url: String, } /// Struct for parsing charts info from helmfile #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] struct LocalCharts { #[serde(alias = "name", alias = "chart")] chart: Option, version: Option, } // Implementation for the ExecResult struct fn main() { // Preparations step env_logger::init(); let args = Args::parse(); let mut result: Vec = Vec::new(); if !args.no_sync { info!("syncing helm repositories"); let res = match args.kind { Kinds::Argo => Argo::init().sync_repos(), // Kinds::Helm => Helm::init().sync_repos(), Kinds::Helmfile => Helmfile::init(args.path.clone(), args.helmfile_environment.clone()).sync_repos(), }; match res { Ok(_) => info!("helm repos are synced"), Err(err) => error!("couldn't sync repos', {}", err), } } let charts = match args.kind { Kinds::Argo => Argo::init().get_app(), //Kinds::Helm => Helm::init().get_app(), Kinds::Helmfile => Helmfile::init(args.path.clone(), args.helmfile_environment.clone()).get_app(), } .unwrap(); charts.iter().for_each(|a| { debug!("{:?}", a); check_chart(&mut result, a).unwrap(); }); // Parse the helmfile // Handling the result match handle_result(&mut result, args.outdated_fail, args.output, args.no_uptodate) { Ok(result) => { if result { exit(1); } } Err(err) => { error!("{}", err); exit(1); } }; } fn check_chart(result: &mut Vec, local_chart: &types::HelmChart) -> Result<()> { if local_chart.chart.is_some() { let version = local_chart.version.clone().unwrap(); let chart = local_chart.chart.clone().unwrap(); return match version.is_empty() { true => { warn!( "version is not specified for the '{}' chart, skipping", chart ); Ok(()) } false => { info!("checking {} - {}", chart, version); let cmd = format!( "helm search repo {} --versions --output json", chart, ); debug!("executing '${}'", cmd); let output = Command::new("bash") .arg("-c") .arg(cmd) .output() .expect("helmfile is failed"); let helm_stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout); // Remove "v" from version definitions let mut versions: Vec = from_str(helm_stdout.borrow()).unwrap(); versions.iter_mut().for_each(|f| { =; f.chart = local_chart.chart.clone(); if f.version.is_some() { f.version = Some(f.version.as_ref().unwrap().replace('v', "")); } }); // Create a Version from the chart version string let local = Version::from(&version).unwrap(); let mut current_version: String = "0.0.0".to_string(); // Get the latest remote version for v in versions.iter() { current_version = get_newer_version( current_version.clone(), v.version.as_ref().unwrap().clone(), ); } let remote = Version::from(current_version.as_str()).unwrap(); debug!("{:?}", versions); let status: Status = if versions.contains(&HelmChart { chart: Some(chart.clone()), name:, version: Some(version.clone()), }) { match { Cmp::Lt => Status::Outdated, Cmp::Eq => Status::Uptodate, Cmp::Gt => Status::Missing, _ => unreachable!(), } } else { Status::Missing }; result.push(ExecResult::new(, chart.clone(), current_version.clone(), version.clone(), status, )); Ok(()) } }; } else { return Ok(()); } } /// Handle result fn handle_result( result: &mut Vec, outdated_fail: bool, output_kind: Outputs, no_uptodate: bool, ) -> Result { let mut failed = false; if no_uptodate { result.retain(|r| r.status != types::Status::Uptodate) } for r in result.clone() { match r.status { Status::Uptodate => info!("{} is up-to-date", r.chart), Status::Outdated => { if outdated_fail { failed = true } warn!( "{} is outdated. Current version is {}, but the latest is {}", r.chart, r.current_version, r.latest_version ); } Status::Missing => { failed = true; error!( "{} is broken. Current version is {}, but it can't be found in the repo", r.chart, r.current_version ); } } } match output_kind { Outputs::Yaml => print!("{}", output::YAML::print(result)?), Outputs::HTML => print!("{}", output::HTML::print(result)?), }; Ok(failed) } /// Takes two version and returns the newer one. fn get_newer_version(v1: String, v2: String) -> String { match Version::from(&v1.replace('v', "")) .unwrap() .compare(Version::from(&v2.replace('v', "")).unwrap().clone()) { Cmp::Eq => v1, Cmp::Lt => v2, Cmp::Gt => v1, _ => unreachable!(), } }