patches: - name: yamlfmt custom_command: commands: - |- cat <> .yamlfmt formatter: pad_line_comments: 2 EOT - yamlfmt values.yaml --conf ./yamlfmt.yaml - rm -f yamlfmt.yaml # mirror charts repositories: - name: bitnami-oci helm: url: oci:// - name: metrics-server helm: url: - name: db-operator git: url: ref: main path: charts - name: badhouseplants helm: url: - name: flux-community helm: url: charts: - name: flux2 repository: flux-community extensions: - name: Create a job that will apply crds target_dir: templates/crd-install source_dir: ./examples/extensions/flux2 patches: - name: Add crds to chart files custom_command: commands: - mkdir crd-base - |- cd crd-base && helm template flux . \ | yq '. | select(.kind == "CustomResourceDefinition")' \ | yq -s '.kind + "-" +' - name: Remove CRDs from the templates custom_command: commands: - find . -name "*crds*" -type f -delete - name: Remove installCRDs value from the default values regexp: path: ./examples/patches/flux-regexp - name: yamlfmt mirrors: - custom-command mirrors: - name: badhouseplants-git git: url: branch: upgrade-{{ name }}-to-{{ version }} path: charts/{{ name }} commit: |- chore: mirror {{ name }}-{{ version }} upstream_repo: {{ repo_url }} - name: custom-command custom_command: package: - zip -r {{ name }}-{{ version }}.zip {{ name }}-{{ version }} upload: - rm -f /tmp/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.zip - rm -rf /tmp/{{ name }}-{{ version }} - cp {{ name }}-{{ version }}.zip /tmp - unzip /tmp/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.zip -d /tmp/{{ name }}-{{ version}}