# mkdocs-with-confluence MkDocs plugin that converts markdown pages into confluence markup and export it to the Confluence page # How to use To enable plugin, you need to set the `MKDOCS_TO_CONFLUENCE` environment variable. ```BASH export MKDOCS_TO_CONFLUENCE=1 ``` By default the dry-run mode is turned off. If you wan't to enable it, you can use the config file, ot the `MKDOCS_TO_CONFLUENCE_DRY_RUN` environment variable ```BASH export MKDOCS_TO_CONFLUENCE_DRY_RUN=1 ``` ## Setup Install the plugin using pip: `pip install https://github.com/allanger/mkdocs-with-confluence/releases/download/v0.3.1/mkdocs_with_confluence-0.3.1.tar.gz` Activate the plugin in `mkdocs.yml`: ```yaml plugins: - mkdocs-with-confluence ``` More information about plugins in the [MkDocs documentation: mkdocs-plugins](https://www.mkdocs.org/user-guide/plugins/). ## Usage Use following config and adjust it according to your needs: ```yaml - mkdocs-with-confluence: host_url: https:///rest/api/content space: parent_page_name: username: # JIRA_USERNAME env var can be used password: # JIRA_PASSWORD env var can be used dryrun: true # MKDOCS_TO_CONFLUENCE_DRY_RUN env var can be used header_message: upstream_url: header_warning: "‼️ This page is created automatically, all you changes will be overwritten during the next MKDocs deployment. Do not edit a page here ‼️" ``` ### Requirements - md2cf - mimetypes - mistune