#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # ------------------------------------------------- # -- Setup Git variables # ------------------------------------------------- my $git_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`; my $git_commit_sha = `git rev-parse HEAD`; my $main_branch = "main"; chomp($git_branch); chomp($git_commit_sha); # ------------------------------------------------- # -- Build the image with SHA tag # ------------------------------------------------- my $container_registry = $ENV{'CONTAINER_REGISTRY'} || 'git.badhouseplants.net'; my $image_name = $ENV{'DRONE_REPO'} || "badhouseplants/badhouseplants-net"; my $tag = "$container_registry/$image_name:$git_commit_sha"; my $username = $ENV{'DRONE_USERNAME'} || "allanger"; my $password = $ENV{'GITEA_TOKEN'} || "YOU NOT AUTHORIZED, PAL"; print `buildah login --username $username --password $password $container_registry` or die $!; print `buildah build -t $tag .` or die $!; print `buildah push $tag` or die $!; # ------------------------------------------------- # -- Push the latest if the branch is main # ------------------------------------------------- if ( $git_branch eq $main_branch) { my $latest_tag = "$container_registry/$image_name:latest"; print `buildah tag $tag $latest_tag` or die $!; print `buildah push $latest_tag` or die $!; } print "Thanks!\n";