#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $chart_version = `cat chart/Chart.yaml | yq '.version'` or die $1; chomp($chart_version); my $git_branch = `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`; chomp($git_branch); my $git_commit_sha = `git rev-parse HEAD`; chomp($git_commit_sha); my $main_branch = "main"; my $values = ""; my $remark_secret = `openssl rand -hex 12`; chomp($remark_secret); $ENV{'ARGO_APP_CHART_VERSION'} = $chart_version; $ENV{'ARGO_APP_BRANCH'} = $git_branch; $ENV{'ARGO_APP_HOSTNAME'} = "$git_branch-dev.badhouseplants.net"; $ENV{'ARGO_APP_IMAGE_TAG'} = $git_commit_sha; $ENV{'ARGO_REMARK_SECRET'} = $remark_secret; # ---------------------------------- # -- Fill the Application manifest # -- with correct values # ---------------------------------- if ($git_branch eq $main_branch) { print "Using the main values file\n"; print `envsubst < ./kube/values-main.yaml > /tmp/values.yaml` or die $!; } else { print "Using the preview values file\n"; print `envsubst < ./kube/values-preview.yaml > /tmp/values.yaml` or die $!; } print `yq -i '.values' /tmp/values.yaml` or die $!; print `envsubst < ./kube/application.yaml > /tmp/application.yaml` or die $!; print `yq -i '.spec.source.helm.values = load_str("/tmp/values.yaml")' /tmp/application.yaml` or die $!; if(!defined $ENV{DEPLOY_SCRIPT_DEBUG}){ print `argocd app create -f /tmp/application.yaml --upsert` or die $!; print `argocd app sync --prune -l application=badhouseplants -l branch=$git_branch` or die $!; print `argocd app wait -l application=badhouseplants -l branch=$git_branch` or die $!; } # ---------------------------------- # -- Remove all `Applications` for # -- branches that do not exists # ---------------------------------- my @all_applications = `argocd app list -l application=badhouseplants -o yaml | yq '.[].metadata.name'` or die $!; chomp(@all_applications); foreach my $app (@all_applications) { $app =~ s/badhouseplants-//; } my @all_branches = `git branch --format='%(refname:short)' -r` or die $!; chomp(@all_branches); foreach my $branch (@all_branches) { $branch =~ s/origin\///; } foreach my $app (@all_applications) { if ( !grep( /^$app$/, @all_branches ) ) { if ($app ne "application") { print "$app should be removed\n"; if(!defined $ENV{DEPLOY_SCRIPT_DEBUG}){ print `argocd app delete --yes badhouseplants-$app` or die $!; } } } }