Nikolai Rodionov 1c1bb4672b
Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/push/documentation Pipeline failed
ci/woodpecker/push/golang Pipeline failed
ci/woodpecker/push/lint Pipeline was successful
Update the env proto
2024-04-29 11:24:14 +02:00

102 lines
1.9 KiB
Protocol Buffer

/// This file has messages for describing environments
syntax = "proto3";
package environments;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
option go_package = "";
* Service for handling environments
service Environments {
rpc Create(CreateOptions) returns (EnvironmentFull) {}
rpc Update(UpdateOptions) returns (EnvironmentFull) {}
rpc Delete(DeleteOptions) returns (google.protobuf.Empty) {}
rpc Get(GetOptions) returns (EnvironmentFull) {}
rpc List(ListOptions) returns (stream EnvironmentFull) {}
User related messages
message OwnerId {
string uuid = 1; // UUID of a user that is creating an environemnt
message Token {
string token = 1; // Token that should be used to create an environment
Services options
message CreateOptions {
EnvironmentName name = 1;
EnvironmentData data = 2;
OwnerId owner_id = 3;
Token token = 4;
message UpdateOptions {
EnvironmentName name = 1;
EnvironmentData data = 2;
OwnerId owner_id = 3;
Token token = 4;
message DeleteOptions {
EnvironmentName name = 1;
OwnerId owner_id = 3;
Token token = 4;
message GetOptions {
EnvironmentName name = 1;
OwnerId owner_id = 3;
Token token = 4;
message ListOptions {
EnvironmentName name = 1;
OwnerId owner_id = 3;
Token token = 4;
Environment related messages
message EnvironmentName {
string name = 1; // A name of the environment
message EnvironmentData {
Provider provider = 2; // Provide
Kubernetes kubernetes = 3;
HetznerOptions hetzner_options = 4;
message EnvironmentFull {
EnvironmentName name = 1;
EnvironmentData data = 2;
Helpers and other messages
enum Provider {
enum Kubernetes {
message HetznerOptions {
string server_type = 1;
string server_location = 2;